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Lime Peel


LIME PEEL, Citrus auratifolia
Often used to accent the flavors of foods and beverages, grown all year round and are usually sweeter than lemons. Lime is valued both for the acidity of its juice and the floral aroma of its zest. Commonly found in Wheat and Belgian style beers where if used properly, can give an intense citrus taste and aroma.

6 in stock

SKU: 2428 Category:


LIME PEEL, Citrus auratifolia
Often used to accent the flavors of foods and beverages, grown all year round and are usually sweeter than lemons. Lime is valued both for the acidity of its juice and the floral aroma of its zest. Commonly found in Wheat and Belgian style beers where if used properly, can give an intense citrus taste and aroma.

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Weight .25 lbs