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Fermfast Rum Turbo Yeast


Use with molasses-sugar wash fermentations up to 15% ABV. Best results are achieved using 50:50 proportions of molasses and sugar, alternatively 100% sugar can be used. Contains complete nutrient complex to ensure rapid and reliable fermentation of molasses or sugar. This product contains glucoamylase enzyme to maximize yield by converting any dextrins present into fermentable sugars.

5 in stock

SKU: 2306 Category:


Use with molasses-sugar wash fermentations up to 15% ABV. Best results are achieved using 50:50 proportions of molasses and sugar, alternatively 100% sugar can be used. Contains complete nutrient complex to ensure rapid and reliable fermentation of molasses or sugar. This product contains glucoamylase enzyme to maximize yield by converting any dextrins present into fermentable sugars.

Additional information

Weight .50 lbs