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Brewers Best Gluten Free Ale


Brewers Best Gluten Free Ale
This Ale is the perfect choice for those looking for a Gluten free beer. The wort is crafted from White Sorghum and Belgian Style syrup and then complemented with an addition of orange and lemon peel. Lightly bitter with undertones of floral and citrus from the hops, this ale is smooth and refreshing. At last, a Gluten free ingredient kit that can be enjoyed by all!
Color: Straw
IBU’s: 20-40
ABV: 4.5%-5.5%
OG: 1.054-1.058
Difficulty: Easy

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Brewers Best Gluten Free Ale
This Ale is the perfect choice for those looking for a Gluten free beer. The wort is crafted from White Sorghum and Belgian Style syrup and then complemented with an addition of orange and lemon peel. Lightly bitter with undertones of floral and citrus from the hops, this ale is smooth and refreshing. At last, a Gluten free ingredient kit that can be enjoyed by all!
Color: Straw
IBU’s: 20-40
ABV: 4.5%-5.5%
OG: 1.054-1.058
Difficulty: Easy

Additional information

Weight 13 lbs