The WineEasy™ combined fermentor and press is incredibly easy to use and provides results and ease of use that traditional fermenting and pressing techniques simply can’t offer. At the heart of the system is a high quality stainless primary fermentor (20, 30 and 55 gal sizes). A uniquely designed false bottom located at the bottom of the fermentor allows the pomace to be separated from the wine while draining the unit. The tines on the pressure plate support the bottom of the fermentor and perforated false bottom and keep it from collapsing from the pressure imparted by the vacuum pump. After alcoholic fermentation, the free run is drained or pumped out of the fermentor. The sliding piston assembly is then installed. The vacuum pump evacuates the carboy (or other vacuum capable vessel) and applies a vacuum under the false bottom of the WineEasy fermentor. This causes atmospheric pressure to push down on the sliding piston pressing the pomace to the ideal maximum pressure of 14 PSI to avoid hard press conditions. Since this is all done without transferring the pomace to a press, and in a completely closed and air tight system, oxidation and contamination are virtually eliminated. Cleanup is as easy as scooping out the dry pomace into a container and washing out the high polish stainless steel fermentor. No messy transfers to a secondary fermentor Less risk of contamination and oxidation Great press efficiency Less time Easy to use Simple mess-free cleanup Produce consistantly superb wines The system is divided into 3 main parts: Fermentor, Piston, and Vacuum pump. This eliminates any wasted components should you desire to have multiple fermentors and/or different size units in your winery. Each fermenting tank comes equipped with the ring stand, bottom valve, false bottom assembly and a tight fitting lid. The fermentors are designed to be filled about 75% full of must (to allow for cap rise), and typical press efficiencies will be about 60-70%. Purchase a piston assembly to match your fermentor size. You will need ONE piston for each different size fermentor you have in your winery. If you have multiple fermentors of ONE size you only need ONE piston. You will only need ONE vacuum press kit for your winery no matter what quantity or size fermentors you have. The vacuum press kit can also be used to degass your wine! Carboy not included. Ships within 1-2 weeks.